News Archive
New Feature - 2006 |
2006-08-22 15:32 New Feature: Players' Awards
You know them from many tournaments: "Best General", "Best Painted", "Youngblood" and so on. Now T³ supports them to: special players' award (also know as "softawards").
After a T³-tournament has been finished and the results are entered, the organiser can give these awards in the following categories to the players:
* Best General * Fairest Player * Best Painted * Quizmaster * Best Armycomposition * Youngblood
These awards are shown on different sites on T³.
2006-08-18 13:39 New Feature: tournament groups
As there are more and more really big events, where tournaments of different games run parallel, we added a feature to facilitate the administration of such events.
Therefore you can group parallel tournaments to one event. So you can use the normally tournamentspecific functions like the email and the news systems groupwide.
2006-06-19 16:09 Subgroups of the gamesystems
After some discussions about the administration of the armyselection of the different gamesystems, we've added a new function:
You can choose now as a tournament organiser which grouped armies/fractions are allowed to be played on your event.
2006-06-05 20:02 New Feature: Organisers' comments
It is possible now for the tournament organisers to comment the given comments of the ratings by themselves. :)
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