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ETR - Tournament Results - Ostdeutsche Meisterschaft 2024

1.Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf"DNehlitzMordor
2.Simon aka "sim-"DOberrothAngmar
3.Gregor aka "Sturmprophet"DNeustrelitzGuardians of the Carrock
4.Tom aka "pippin26"DGreifswaldThranduil's Hall
5.Antonio aka "Mr_Hanky"DBerlinThe Trolls
6.Pascal aka "iou"DBerlinAzog's Hunters
7.Marvin aka "Elgrafi"DPfedelbachDark Denizens of Mirkwood
8.Philipp aka "jan_boris_riemer"DLeipzigCirith Ungol
9.Andreas aka "Argontitan"DLindwedelThe Wizards
10.Frederic aka "Gory"DPotsdamThe Serpent Horde
11.Arno aka "ArnoKR"DBielefeldAngmar
12.Tim aka "Timalexander"DBerlinMinas Tirith
13.Franco aka "Slipi"DTorgelowMoria
14.Alexander aka "Rudini"DBielefeldThranduil's Hall
15.Jakob aka "SiriusLee"DBerlinThe Fiefdoms
16.David aka "Heyoka"DHannoverThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest
17.Tim aka "TimBombadil"DVellmarThe Wanderers in the Wild
18.Luca aka "Ligma"DEmdenAngmar
19.Conrad aka "Shaconan"DLeipzigRivendell
20.Martin aka "Mats_SonOfNerdor"DPotsdamAngmar
21.Ernesto aka "ayu"DHamburgMinas Tirith
22.Philipp aka "Schattenjaeger"DPetershagen-EggersdorfMordor
23.Dominik aka "THE_DOME"DHamburgThe Wizards
24.Tim aka "timdel95"DNettetalMoria
25.Marvin aka "Marv99"DKarlsruheThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
26.Max aka "Senegalgalago"DStrausbergThe Legions of the White Hand
27.Toni aka "Kampfnonne"DDresdenMoria
28.Lukas aka "Peterpan123"DNettetalThe Grey Company
29.Paul aka "Ragon"DBerlinEregion
30.Richard aka "Alearis"DDresdenMinas Morgul
31.Dirk aka "Grossi"DGieldeMinas Tirith
32.Dennis aka "Zerc"DBerlinThe Easterlings
33.Christian aka "Pelennorfarmer"DBeeskowMinas Tirith
34.Tion aka "Tortillon"DBerlinFangorn
35.Tim aka "Icebone"DBerlinFangorn
36.Martin aka "Martin_der_Grosse"DBerlinThe Wizards
37.Kelvin-Kennon aka "Serox"DLeegebruchAngmar
38.Maximilian aka "Ifaddag"DBerlinHarad and Umbar
39.Christopher aka "Chris_90"DHalle (Saale)Minas Tirith
40.Romy aka "romrold"DBielefeldAzog's Hunters
41.Henry aka "Hp-otti"DTorgelowLothlórien
42.Fabian aka "DKay"DNuthetalRivendell
43.Constantin aka "Tolkien"DHamburgDurin's Folk
44.Georg aka "Der_Purpurne"DHamburgThe Army of the High King
45.(anonym)Desolator of the North
46.Lukas aka "Tiuz"DBerlinAngmar
47.Danilo aka "KingsHead"DDessau-RoßlauMinas Tirith
48.Niels aka "Mr-No-Name"DHennefDurin's Folk
49.Anton aka "MrMueJunior"DErfurtThorin's Company
50.Paul aka "PaulN"DRostockThe Shire
51.Christoph-Tobias aka "Prokyon"DKembergAngmar
52.Dennis aka "Smythy"DBerlinThe Shire
53.Flo aka "Flobradil"DBerlinDunland
54.Dirk aka "Dirku-hai"DLeonbergThe Legions of the White Hand
55.Matthias aka "Fichthofen"DBerlinThranduil's Hall
56.Dean aka "Druk"DBerlinErebor
57.Erik aka "Der-Toadwart"DEberswaldeMoria
58.Alexander aka "Rosi"DLeipzigThe White Council
59.Enrico aka "Khilad"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
60.Maurice aka "Vloki"DWiedemar Ot QueringVariags of Khand
61.Jo aka "Jorius"DBerlinThe Wizards
62.Martin aka "M4RT1N"DBerlinAngmar
63.Georg aka "Conflector"DDresdenThe Dead of Dunharrow
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