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ETR - Tournament Results - 7. Würfelgötter AoS Turnier

1.Philipp aka "PhiSt"DBochumSylvaneth
2.Niels aka "Isotop"DDüsseldorfSylvaneth
3.Christian Paul aka "Druss73"DBochumFlesh-eater Courts
3.Tobias aka "Tobias77"DBochumGrand Alliance Chaos
5.Julian aka "juli_ibelknibel_wagner"DHertenNurgle Rotbringers
6.Charles aka "CharlieNZ"DPlieningIdoneth Deepkin
7.Lukas aka "Diplombandit"DMainzIronjawz
8.Nico Manuel aka "Omios"DWittenNighthaunt
9.Fabian aka "Eisriese"DGelsenkirchenStormcast Eternals
10.Sebastian aka "E6-Seb"DRhedeStormcast Eternals
11.Dennis aka "DerLetzteFreak"DEssenGrand Alliance Order
12.Manfred aka "ful5"DBochumGrand Alliance Chaos
13.Daniel aka "DanPo"DBochumStormcast Eternals
14.Thomas aka "DocFestus"DBochumMaggotkin of Nurgle
15.Oliver aka "Slackgamer13"DMainzLegions of Nagash
16.Dominik aka "Brofessor"DRüsselsheimNighthaunt
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