T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Tournament Calendar

Following tournaments take part at January 11th 2025:

Bodensee Battlez Neujahredition Spearheadturnier
Name:Bodensee Battlez Neujahredition Spearheadturnier
Gamesystem:Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead
Organizers:Tierisch_Nerdig, WestsideDiceGhost
Location:Cosplay Alpine Vereinsheim
Address:Amann-Fitz-Strasse 6
6890 Lustenau
Start: 2025-01-11 08:00
End: 2025-01-11 16:30
ICS-Date-Download: Download the date as an ICS-file (complete tournament calendar: ics)
Seats: 10
Charge: 10 EUR
More Information:Go to the tournament page
Wächter der Eisenfeste - TCG Steyr - Hobbyliga - Spieltag 1.
Name:Wächter der Eisenfeste - TCG Steyr - Hobbyliga - Spieltag 1.
Gamesystem:Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game
Location:TCG Steyr Oberösterreich
Address:Eisengasse 1
4400 Steyr
Start: 2025-01-11 09:00
End: 2025-01-11 18:00
ICS-Date-Download: Download the date as an ICS-file (complete tournament calendar: ics)
Seats: 12
Charge: 10 EUR
More Information:Go to the tournament page

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